Freedom Co-Parenting for Nebraska

Divorced Co-Parenting Self-Paced Class Online

Create a Happy Family

no matter how difficult your co-parent is!


You will learn:

  • That your co-parent does not have control over your life and your happiness.
  • What children need and how to develop strong connected relationships with them.
  • To use mindfulness to manage the difficult emotions of co-parenting.
  • To understand emotional triggers and reactions so you can control them.
  • To find joy and peace in your life!

Alisa's Promise

1. This divorced co-parenting class looks at difficult issues with respect, empathy, intelligence and depth.

2. You will come away feeling empowered as a co-parent, happier in your family, more at peace, or your money will be refunded, no questions asked.

3. This online class is easy to navigate: if you have any trouble at all, I will respond to you within hours, usually sooner!

How it Works

1. Register online and receive user friendly instructions for navigating through the program.

2. Move through 10 lessons containing readings and videos at your own pace.

3. Gain skills and knowledge that will change your situations and your life!

Let's Get Started


ONLINE self-paced


Court ordered to take a class? This is the class for you.

Includes quizzes and a certificate of completion.

What Co-Parents Found Useful About This Class:

“This class is great!! I thought I was doing good at co-parenting but it taught me a lot of things I need improvement on. It has also given me more understanding about having compassion for my ex.” 

“This class helped me understand how this really affects the children when the parents get divorced. The one that really got to me as when the boy said that he was lost. As a child Divorce myself I believe that that’s how I have felt my whole life. And watching this video really open my eyes up. And I definitely don’t want my girls to feel this way. I want them to be and I can’t emphasize enough happy healthy successful in life. I don’t want them to feel lost and I’m gonna do everything in my power to make sure that myself in there coparent make their life is easy on them as possible. Thank you for this class it’s helped me tremendously.” 

“This class will help you realize strategies to use when dealing with a difficult coparent as well as help you learn about how to be emotionally happy for your kids.” 

“Much of the content has been spoken of in great lengths with my therapist over the last year. Having said that, I came into the program with an open mind, heart and appreciation for anything new to learn. It is always wonderful to have this information reinforced and I am grateful for the eye opening “Graduation” story. This is perfect for anyone who is willing to step outside of their comfort zone for the betterment of themselves and their family. Thank you for creating a fantastic program!” 

“The information was consumable without being preachy. Initially, I felt like some of the delivery was repetitious but that eventually helps to drive home the most important thing: how YOU are affecting your children, regardless of how/what your co-parent is doing.” 

“This class is useful to you if you want to understand ways to be less angry and reactive towards your co parent and or the situation of court etc.” 

“The content in this course is very succinct and to the point but has the capacity to quickly change your perspective on co-parenting and how to deal with your ex in the best interest of your children and their overall happiness.” 

“This class gives you a whole new perspective on how you see problems and situations you have with your co-parent and how to better manage them where it not only gives you peace of mind but helps you better your relationship with your child in the healthiest way mentally and emotionally.” 

“This class is a toolbox for you to use when things get rough or you’re confused as to why something is happening. It gave me tools I can use to improve bad situations.” 

“This class is awesome. I felt like it was a true gift. Even though I consider myself to be mindful and grateful and I most of the time have a tendency to find the positive in almost every situation, this situation has been difficult. The hardest thing I’ve ever been through. The law and justice system just doesn’t seem to listen or even care…but I can only do what I can do and nothing more. I learned that the best thing I can do for my Children is to be mindful of what I’m feeling and thinking, and when they go to a place that won’t be beneficial to myself or my children to redirect.” 

“Great easy to use class. Finished the class feeling more confident in my overall parenting skills. My anxiety for my upcoming court date has greatly reduced. A++” 

“Mindfulness mediation is incredibly helpful at least give it a try!” 

“Not only did the class present issues that are happening or can happen, the class focused on tools and things to think about to change the outcome. There was tips and tools provided to the problems, not just the problems presented themselves. Very peaceful voice and calm state of mind and presenter.” 

“This divorced co-parenting class allows you to view your co-parent as a person you once loved. It allows you to accept the things that cannot be changed about that person. It also allows you to be ok with who you are and to not be fearful of all the feelings surrounding your divorce. Instead, all of these feelings are ok, but how we show them is what we must control.” 

“The video that helps you focus on breathing was incredibly helpful in learning about my feelings beneath the shame and fear. What is really behind the reason I was reacting. I’m incredibly grateful for this divorced co-parenting class.” 

“If you are open-minded to receive helpful guidance then this will be a true benefit. I think we all know what needs to be done to improve our situations, but gaining tools to help through the process are necessary to make much needed changes.” 

“My divorce was hard. I initially took this divorced co-parenting class so I would have more ammunition in court when I went to ask for more custody. After hearing most of the videos I started to see everything wrong that I was doing and had done. I was hard to hear a lot of things because I was guilty of so many of them, but I’m glad I took this class. It was a wake up call for me to change me behavior for the sake of my kids. Thank you.” 

“Gives you more of an understanding that the other person is suffering also, help with techniques with dealing with a difficult parent.”

“I was pleasantly surprised at how much a I learned from this class. We often feel that our co-parent is the one who “really” needs this, but if you approach this with an open heart and mind, you will grow!” 

“Well I believe that this class opened my eyes to how you can revert back to childhood thoughts and feelings when pushed in a negative way. I also feel like the Powerpoints helped describe the actions and reactions that you have when going through a troubling time like this.”

“The scenarios used are real life events and comparable to my situation. The class truly has you take a step back and get into your inner core. I highly recommend any parent to take these classes, whether it is court ordered or not. Definitely a great tool.” 

“This divorced co-parenting class was easy to follow, easy to understand, and the message was relatable to everything I’m going through in my divorce. I wish I would have taken the class the day my ex and I separated.” 

Even if you are coping with your situation. Your co parent may not be… This class gives you the insight of what your co parent may be going through.”